
Hi! My name is Nicola Fiona (although I go by Fi!) – a warm welcome to FiLuv, a play on “Luv, Fi” – my health & wellness lifestyle blog. You may have come here from my former blog & Instagram account “My Healing Lifestyle”, or you may be brand new! Hello, either way!

I’ll be chatting about & sharing my experiences & thoughts on a wide variety of lifestyle topics but mainly centred around health & wellness – physically in our bodies & home environment & also emotionally & spiritually! A well rounded approach to health & wellness!

I live in the Northwest of the UK but am originally from N.Ireland. I am a devoted animal Mum & have 1 dog & 3 cats (& 1 angel dog in heaven). My animals are my greatest healers & teachers!

I have been on a healing journey for many years – I initially started my former blog & IG to focus on my physical healing journey, but what I didn’t realise was that I had very little chance of healing when I was stuck in a toxic relationship & had so much unresolved trauma! I now try my best to integrate my physical and emotional healing and am finally seeing some positive shifts, although I know I have a long road ahead. I’m grateful to be able to share bits of it on here & have you come along with me!

As well as blogging I enjoy being outdoors (nature is one of my biggest healers), walking with my dog, reading & learning, chilling out with my 3 cats, gardening, learning new things (I’m currently starting a floristry course) & holistic therapies (for humans & animals). I  hope to bring a taste of all these things to this blog!

I hope you enjoy your time here & please feel free to leave a comment or contact me via email – filuv55@gmail.com. I’m happy to do product reviews &/or brand collaborations which are in keeping with the ethos of the blog. Send me a message & we can chat!